This shall be my very first entry in my blog, which I have created today after reading through a blog of another blogger.
It has been utmost disturbing for me over the last few days in which how irresponsible some bloggers can be with their comments and views.
In recent, I was reading a racist if not seditious entry by a certain blogger who has claimed renowned fame in the blogsphere. The entries were definitely edited after an outcry by some people and I think she may have realised the trouble she was getting herself into, by such seditious postings. And interestingly, there was moderation for comments that were to be left on her blog.
From the opportunity I had in reading the most recent ones, it is quite certain that she had only allowed comments that glorified or else, pointed to her that she was supposedly going in the right direction, be published and anything close to opposing her views were interestingly missing. Some of the comments in which I believe, were made by people who never had the chance to read the Original Entries. While the blog may be hers, the method in moderating comments leaves much to be desired.
Say for example, I make a post that was racist and seditious, re-edit the thing and then let comments that applaud my post be shown only. This would definitely allow people to think that whatever was done and written was correct. Thus forming sub-conciously in the minds of the young and gullible that it is right to be racist. Nevermind that you make another post to plea that you are not racist, it was not racist or provide any further explanation when there is the state of denial that the message in the entries were wrong in the first place. It takes courage to admit mistakes and yet in this instance, the blogger still thought she was right.
While the main topic was to be circulated around molestation by the opposite gender and foam sprays, multiple comments and references were directed at Indians, Bangladeshis and other Foreign Workers. This can be substantiated by her earlier reference of calling them Banglas in which it was edited later to a more subtle and politically correct term of Foreign Workers along with things such as not going into a club if it was filled with them. The photos that were posted were all of individuals that might have been related to that of those nationalities. Interestingly, the photos were only targeted at them and not any individuals from a Caucasian lineage or other lineages.
1) Is this not clearly racism?
2) Are Caucasians or people of other nationalites that work here, not "Foreign Workers" as well?
3) Are they also not capable of committing crimes as such?
4) By constantly berating away about them online with photo reference, does it not form an impression that these people are supposedly the "criminals"?
I have witnessed more unruly behaviours by other nationalites beyond Foreign Workers. It is not right to molest, but neither is it right to rub the idea of only Indians, Bangladeshis or other Foreign Workers who resemble them, being the perpetuators of trouble.
This form of stereotyping is extremely foul in my opinion. I have met and spoken to several Indians and Bangladeshis in Singapore who take up roles as labourers here. I have to admit that I was surprised that several of them were University Graduates who had no job opportunities in their own countries and were desperate to take on any job that was available to them. These are also the people who have contributed to the growth of Singapore.
It also seems that there was an much earlier post that was done about Malaysians, Religion and Malays made by this blogger. It was subsequently edited as well despite her famous line of "I will NEVER edit my post due to editorial integrity." While this might not have been the exact words, but it was definitely close to it.
Regardless of Nationality, Molestation is wrong;
Reckless Spraying of Aerosol Foam is wrong;
Racism is wrong;
Blogging like a person who recklessly sprays Aerosol Foam is just as wrong too.
The cycle of :
1) Posting something wrong;
2) Editing the post to make it sound right for people who have read it and allow people to read the edited version only;
3) Claiming that everyone agrees with her by moderating comments;
4) Be angry or sad that people do not share her views;
5) Receive support from people who have been severely mislead;
6) Come out stronger and make more irresponsible postings.
is severely disgusting.
I understand the freedom of expression and the right to talk so on etc. Who wouldn't want to enjoy that freedom?
But being responsible about it, is something that everyone should learn as well. The term "Freedom of Expression" should not and never be abused or it might eventually be taken away.
I tolerate loud expressions and many things beyond. But I cannot tolerate the representation by deluded people who think that they are a celebrity and yet never worked a single day in becoming one. Oh yes, living a lifestyle like one too and starting to put themselves above the rest.
Meanwhile, I shall be fiddling around with the controls in this new enviroment!
Edit: You might want to read the recent report by ChannelNewsAsia today about the molestation. It is a little ambiguous as the comments made are not confirmed victims as they might not be 1 of the 8 reported victims. But it has been indicated that they are of various races.So there you go.Be safe people!